Wow! I think it took a lot for TIME's editor to admit that Gov. Sarah Palin is really popular. But instead of putting her the first runner up ( Sarkozy is the first runner up!!), they put her for 3rd runner up!
"She is a feminist who is pro-tax cuts, pro-spending cuts, pro family, pro-gun, pro-military, pro-Victory in Iraq & Afghanistan, pro-drilling , and pro-faith”
Margaret Thatcher once said: “In politics if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.”
"Who will Sarah Palin endorse for RNC chair? Who's the Palin candidate? Saxby Chambliss's victory has certified the Palin wing of the party as the center of its gravity -- at least, that's how the GOP seems to be treating things. If Chambliss's words are indicative of GOP thinking, Republican activists and conservatives, then Palin must have a pretty tight grip.
The answer to the question is that Palin hasn't endorsed an RNC candidate, and her political advisers aren't saying whether she will."
Palin was the most popular Lycos search from the week she joined the ticket continuously through last Sunday, some two weeks after the election, when she was dethroned by Paris Hilton, the celebutante whom John McCain famously compared to Barack Obama.
The Alaska governor now ranks fourth, just one spot below Obama, on the weekly Lycos 50 list.
"Barbara Walters called me. George Stephanopoulos called me," McAllister said. "I've had multiple conversations with producers for Oprah, Letterman, Leno and 'The Daily Show.' "
This is just amazing, same people who ridiculed her and played along with all the lies about her, now need Gov. Palin for their rating and they need HER to make more publicity about their own shows!
"As for the Democrats who sneered and howled that Palin was unprepared to be a vice-presidential nominee -- what navel-gazing hypocrisy! What protests were raised in the party or mainstream media when John Edwards, with vastly less political experience than Palin, got John Kerry's nod for veep four years ago?"
"Rousing speeches can fill a stadium, but they cannot keep this country safe. For a season, a man can inspire with his words. But for a lifetime, John McCain has inspired with his deeds."
"Barack Obama and I both have spent quite some time on the basketball court," Palin told a raucous crowd of more than 5,000 at the convention center. "But where I come from, you have to win the game before you start cutting down the net."
If you like this photo of Gov. Palin, you can vote for it here.
Palin was in Ohio today:Palin was exuberant before the crowd, demanding an autograph from warm-up singer Gretchen Wilson, famed for her song, "Redneck Woman." Palin joked: "Someone called me a `redneck woman' once. You know what I said back? `Thank-you very much.'"